Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Serious Side-Effects Linked to the Smoking Cessation Drug Chantix

The smoking cessation drug, Chantix, is manufactured and distributed by Pfizer, a pharmaceutical titan in terms of profits and influence. Chantix was marketed as a promising drug which was designed to work in conjunction with behavior modification therapy to help people work towards leaving their smoking habit behind for good.

Initially, minor side-effects were reported, such as nausea and dizziness, but as time progressed, the known side-effects became more serious. Reported side-effects include chronic feelings of extreme anxiety and depression, up to and including thoughts of suicide and acts of abuse.

Discovery remains ongoing in regards to Chantix, but if you're using it, seek medical attention immediately, especially if you're feeling any potential side-effects. If you have experienced side-effects regarding this drug, contact me directly so I can assist in investigating a potential claim on your behalf.

Claudine Q. Homolash is a personal injury attorney representing individuals injured by dangerous drugs and other products. Ms. Homolash represents injured individuals in litigations involving, but not limited to, the drugs Vioxx, Bextra, and Gadolinium. Ms. Homolash also represents plaintiffs in against Boston Scientific (formerly Guidant) and Medtronic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smoking is a big problem for people and teenagers. Smoking can cause a lot of diseases like cancer, heart disease and emphysema. When a person begins to smoke they spend a lot of money buying cigarettes. Maybe they could spend millions of dollars because they buy a lot of cigarettes. http://www.chantixhome.com/