Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Minnesota News Channel Airs Bridget Robb's Story

In Minnesota, where Medtronic is located, listeners heard the horrific events of Bridget Robb retold before the Senate Judiciary Committee. I can tell you firsthand that Ms. Robb is one of the bravest people I know. Invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee by Senator Leahy, her main goal is to help others and to make sure that the terrible events of the morning of December 31, do not happen to others. During her testimony, Ms. Robb recounted the terror she experienced after being shocked 31 times due to a fractured Sprint Fidelis lead manufactured by Medtronic.

Ms. Robb's story is just one of many stories told where individuals have been severely harmed by dangerous products placed into the stream of commerce by big businesses that are more focused on profits than safety.

If you click on the title above, you will view a clip of Bridget testifying on June 11. We hope to continue this fight in an effort to make serious change. The law, as it stands, is not consumer friendly and flies in the face of people's fundamental rights to have their case heard in court.

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